If you have and Fan Art or a link to a Fan Fiction, then send it to me and I will post it here!
I will put up any fan art or fan fiction just as long as you follow the rules. Fan Art: 1: No hentai!!!! I'f you send me that I will delete it and it won't be posted! 2: Must be Inuyasha related (Cross-overs are okay) 3: Must be your own work. (Unless of course you have a friend that's wants their art posted but can't becasue of lack of internet service. You can do that as long as you say that you didn't draw it.) Fan Fiction: 1: Can have lemon, just not too graphic 2: Please have correct rating and warnings 3: Must be your own story! 4: Can be posted anywhere as long as I get the correct link for it.
Miyoko-chan's Fan Fiction
Season X
What happens when Inuyasha meets the girl of his dreams? Kikyo gets jealous of Kagome? Naraku and Sesshomaru get involved? Miroku and Sango show up? And alot of good and bad things happen? A lot can happen, but none of it is good. From cheating to killing, and from good and bad, how will things ever work out?
Written by: Miyoko-chan Finished: No Chapters: 25 at the moment (26 and 27 will be up soon) Rating: R Warnings: Language, Nudity, minor Sexual Content, mild-intense violence
Merry Christmas: Fan Art by: Miyoko-chan
Fan Fiction slot open!
Want your fan fiction posted here? If you have a fan fiction anywhere on the internet and you want it to be here, e-mail me the link. I will read it and if I like it, I'll post it here! |
Kagome: Fan art by: DogGirl
Fan Fiction slot open!
Want your fan fiction posted here? If you have a fan fiction anywhere on the internet and you want it to be here, e-mail me the link. I will read it and if I like it, I'll post it here! |
Inuyasha: Fan Art by: Miyoko-chan