NAME: Inuyasha AGE: around 67: He was around 17 when he was sealed to the Sacred tree. RACE: Half-demon DESCRIPTION: Has yellow eyes and long sliver hair. Except on the new moon when he turns human, he had black hair and brown eyes. LOVE LIFE: Inuyasha loved no one until he met Kikyo. He them met Kagome. He's in love with Kikyo. But he also seems to love Kagome. Although he never admits to loving either one of them, it's very very obvious that he does. BACKGROUND: Being a hanyou always made Inuyasha feel shunned. When he learned of the Shikon-No-Tamma, he decided he would steal the jewel and become a full-fledged demon. He tried many times to steal the Shikon-No-Tamma, but Kikyo always found a way to stop him. After a while, Inuyasha fell in love with Kikyo and Kikyo fell in love with him. When Kikyo told him he could become a human using the jewel, he decided that he'd do it just to be with Kikyo. then Naraku tricked them into hating each other and cause Kikyo to pin Inuyasha to the sacred tree. QUOTE: I'm sick and tired of you and everyone else telling me to run! I'm not running! Not with out you! I won't leave you behind! (Inuyasha movie 1: Affections Touching Across Time)
Inuyasha and Kagome
This image was taken from the first movie: Affections Touching Across Time
NAME:Kagome Higurashi AGE:15 RACE:Human DESCRIPTION: Has long black hair and brown eyes. She almost always wear her school uniform. She cam be found riding a bike or on Inuyasha's back. LOVE LIFE: In the begining, she doesn't like Inuyasha, but after awhile, she grows to love him...alot. Then in the present we have Hojo. Hojo likes Kagome, but Kagome doesn't really like him all that much. Then Koga shows up and tells Kagome that he's in love with her. However, Kagome doesn't like him either. Apperently, Inuyasha's the only guy for her! BACKGROUND: Kagome grew up at Higurashi Shrine. She lives with her mom, her grandpa, and her little brother. She has a cat named Buyo, too! (^^ yay for Buyo!!!) On ehr 15th birthday, she was dragged down into the well at their shrine. That's when she first discovered she could travel through time. she met Inuyasha, broke the Shikon-No-Tamma and the journy began! I guess................. QUOTE: "I love you as a half demon, Inuyasha!" (Inuyasha: The movie 2: The Castle Beyond the Looking Glass)
NAME: Miroku AGE: 19 RACE: Human DESCRIPTION: Has short black hair with the ponytail thingie in the back. He;s got brown eyes. He wears a black kimono with a purple robe thing over it. Carries the staff thingie (i suck at this). He also has a Wind Tunnel in his right hand. This thing will eventualy swallow him whole, unless Narku is killed. LOVE LIFE: Well well, where do we start? Lets see he loves that girl over there and that one and that one.....Miroku is flirtatious. He is constantly asking girls to 'bear his children' and is always grabbing their butts. But, he has feelings for Sango. Now, if he could stop being the total hentai he is, an even bigger connection will form between him and Sango. BACKGROUND: When Miroku's grandfather fought against Narku, he placed a wind tunnel in his grandfather's hand. Since then the wind tunnel had been pased down through each generation. Miroku watched his father's wind tunnel swallow him. He has always feared his wind tunnel. He vowed to destroy Narku before he too was sucked into his own hand. he meets Inuyasha, Kagome, and Shippo on his search of he jewel shards. QUOTE: It was worth the pain. That was a wonderful site we just saw. (one of the episodes...I forgot which one)
NAME: Sango AGE: 18 DESCRIPTION: Over her pink abd black armor she wears a white, green and pink kimono. Has brown eyes and brown hair. She wepons include the Hiraikotsu, katana, poison powder, and her chain. She has a little two-tailed cat demon name Kilala (or Kirara in Japan) who helps with battle and proetcing some of the gang. LOVE LIFE: Sango only had her family and friends her whole life until she met the gang. SHe then becomes close to her new friend. Miroku really seems to catch her eye. But him and his hentai ways drive her mad!!! She is constantly slapping him or hitting him in the head with anything she can get her hands on. Of course all she really wants is for Miroku to love only her. BACKGROUND: Sango began training as a demon slayer when she was young. She is one of the besr in her village. When the very best of them demon slayers were called out to fight a demon at a castle, they were tricked and all were killed. Kohaku, Sango's younger brother, killed them. Sango discovered what was going on and attacked the castle lord. Because of her wounds on her back, Narku gave her a jewel shard to ease the pain. while the slayers were at the castle, Narku destoryed their entire village and stole their jewel shards. Narku told Sango that Inuyasha was the one who destoryed her village. She went to kill Inuyasha. then she had found out what had really happened and joined Inuyasha and the gang on their journy. QUOTE: If this is his good side, I'd hate to see him gloomy.
Miroku and Sango
They are so cute together!!!
NAME: Shippo AGE: 8 DESCRIPTION: Really really short. Yellow eyes and short orange hair tied back in a blue ribbion. He has a cute little tail. LOVE LIFE: Shippo doesn't really have much of a love life because he's a little kid. He looks to Kaogome a more of a mom then really someone he would love. There is one episode where Shippo did meet a girl and he would practily do anything for her, even if it meant taking jewel shards from Kagome. In another episode, The Suspious Faith Healer and the Black Kirara, Shippo falls in love with the little girl who was looking for Keroro. BACKGROUND: Shippo lived with him mom and dad until the Thunder Brothers took over their mountain. they killed his family leaving him an orphan. Shippo vowed to find the jewel shards and avenge his family. He met Inuyasha and Kagome on his quest for the jewel shards. QUOTE: Oh, I knew it! You really are hopeless when Kagome's not around! (Inuyasha movue 1: Affections Touching Across Time) |