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Welcome to the new Only Half Alive

Hello and welcome to the new and (hopefully) improved Only Half Alive! I'm, of course, Miyoko-chan, your webmistress. I just moved the site and I'm getting thinga set up again. I'll try and get as much done as I can tonight, but if I don't finish I have pretty much all of my Friday night to get things up and running again!


I'm sorry I haven't updated in forever! I've been really busy. I'm currently working on moving Beautiful Obilvion but that's not going to well so I might just leave it on freewebs. Anyway. I'm going to work on the images page which is still on hatius.

Quote of the week

This quote came from yours truely!

"Oh, so now I'm your little terrier or something? Wondering if I smelt something or head something with my little doggy ears? Damn you guys piss me off! Every single one of you!" -Inuyasha 

If you want me to put up a certain quote then e-mail me!

Miyoko-chans other sites

Most of you should already know that I have a lot of websites. This is one if the only one that has made its way away from freewebs! Here's the other ones

Beautiful Obilvion

Miyoko-chans Personal Page

Wander Souls Oekaki

Quizila Home Page



Send me an email

As long as I'm alive, I'll never let you go ©