Welcome to the new Only Half Alive
Hello and welcome to the new and (hopefully) improved Only Half Alive! I'm, of course, Miyoko-chan, your webmistress. I just moved the site and I'm getting thinga set up again. I'll try and get as much done as I can tonight, but if I don't finish I have pretty much all of my Friday night to get things up and running again! |
I'm sorry I haven't updated in forever! I've been really busy. I'm currently working on moving Beautiful Obilvion but that's not going to well so I might just leave it on freewebs. Anyway. I'm going to work on the images page which is still on hatius. |
Quote of the week
This quote came from yours truely!
"Oh, so now I'm your little terrier or something? Wondering if I smelt something or head something with my little doggy ears? Damn you guys piss me off! Every single one of you!" -Inuyasha
If you want me to put up a certain quote then e-mail me! |